Give Your Business A Vehicle Wrap

You’ve seen them on everything from food trucks to tour buses—vehicle wraps. They’re a genius marketing device that advertises your business while you’re doing business.

Billboards on the Go

When a business chooses a billboard location, they have one question in mind: where will my company be seen the most? They consider factors such as popular locations and areas with heavy traffic. With a vehicle wrap, your advertisement isn’t restrained to one place. Sitting in rush hour won’t feel like wasted time for your business anymore; with each minute, your company is being engrained in someone else’s mind.

Keep Up with the Big Dogs

Small business owners can find it difficult to compete with companies that have national commercials and tons of social media presence. However, vehicle wrap companies don’t discriminate when it comes to small or big businesses. Huge companies don’t have a monopoly on car wraps. If anything, vehicle wraps will legitimize your business and establish presence in your specific industry.

Jaw Dropping Facts

Do vehicle wraps work? The answer is an astounding, yes! According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, more than 95% of Americans are reached by media targeting vehicle drivers and passengers. Marketing experts agree that it takes 5-7 impressions for consumers to recognize a logo. Brands that are consistently presented are 3-4 times more likely to experience brand visibility. That’s why vehicle wraps are such an important investment. Not only will you have another platform your customers can catch your logo on, but there’s a good chance they’ll be seeing that logo repeatedly.

Nearly every form of advertisement involves the customer finding your business. Vehicle wraps are a rare marketing method where your business finds a customer. Whether you’re an established name or just starting up, contact SmartWrap for professional vehicle wrap design and installation.