Branding 101 | The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding | Part two
May 14, 2013
SmartWrap Vehicle Wrap Infographic
November 22, 2013What Gets Noticed on a Vehicle Wrap?
The vast majority of vehicle wraps get noticed either while moving, or while the viewer is moving.
Many people who get their vehicles wrapped include a lot of information into the design. This is understandable especially for a smaller business where so much of the owner’s blood sweat and tears are invested in the business. The owner doesn’t want a potential customer to miss a single service or product they offer.
The question is, does it get noticed? The simple fact is No. It does not get noticed. Even if the objective is to get the vehicle wrap noticed while it is stationary, and people have a long time to read all that information, they won’t and don’t.
The vast majority of vehicle wraps get noticed either while moving, or while the viewer is moving. Think of a vehicle wrap as a moving billboard. When was the last time you saw a billboard with a LOT of information on it? It’s even more important for a vehicle wrap to have limited information as it is moving and people have even less time to read and remember the information on it.
Our own internal research indicates that between 0% and 4% of respondents were able to recall the services offered after viewing a wrap for 5 seconds.
The next most surprising finding was that between 0% and 12% could recall the telephone number! And what about the website? Between 12% and 23%.
So, what DOES get noticed on a vehicle wrap? The NAME of the company. If the name is branded in the form of a logo, it gets noticed and remembered even more. Here are some of the results of our internal research:
Unbranded Vinyl lettering Branded Wrap
Recalled Phone Number….. 0% Phone Number….0%
Recalled Services offered…. 4% Services…………..0%
Recalled Website……………..12% Website……………23%
Recalled Company Name…..58% Company Name…85%
The real question you have to ask yourself as a business owner is not whether you can afford a vehicle wrap, it’s can you afford not to.